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Better Life through art: 7 paintings, 7 beautiful lessons on 7 phases in life

awareness better life happiness Nov 11, 2019

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe ✨ Reading Time: 1 minute)


Loved ones ❤


I met Lungala Rubadiri in an arts & crafts fair.

His smile, the light in his eyes, and his loving-kindness caught me right away.

I approached him to have a closer look at his paintings,
and he was telling me beautiful, touching stories about them.

Every story was a beautiful, profound lesson on a phase or situation in life -

a lesson that will help you live a happier, better, more awakened life.

From childhood to parenthood, making life decisions, relationships…
It’s all there - in the paintings, in his stories, in his eyes, in his smile.

So I immediately knew I wanted to deliver Lungala’s messages and light to you
and to everyone in the Better Life Awareness Center community. 

Now, I could write the stories, and explain, and show photos of the paintings.
I could do all that. 

But wouldn’t it be so much better to hear it from Lungala himself?
It sure would.

So here’s a short video of Lungala -
7 minutes, 7 paintings, 7 beautiful lessons on 7 phases in life.

There are some background sounds as we’re in a bustling art fair.
Still, the message comes through clearly,
as love and light are stronger than any disturbance - internal or external.

All we need to do is to choose what we focus on.



P.S. - The beautiful paintings are available online at


To your better life,
with tons of đź’–


Eldad Ben-Moshe
Founder, Teacher, and Coach
Better Life Awareness Center